The Sky is Not Limited - (518) 209-6727

"We are so lucky to be able to drink water, everybody should be able to drink out of the sink and NOT get sick!" Sebastian DeRubeis (age 5)

Our charity’s aim is to provide drinking water to people in need all over the world. The Sky is Not Limited has been set up as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit public charity to help get people clean water. The organization plans to set up stations for providing water to people throughout the world. Stations will use solar power, or photovoltaics, to generate electricity. Electricity can be used to power well pumps. Many areas which have no clean water have no electricity, which makes solar electricity the perfect solution for the problem of dirty water. Well pumps can pump water during times of sunshine and store for use at a later time.

Recent Projects:

Tanzania Clean Water Project
Recently, The Sky is Not Limited teamed up with African Reflections Foundations (Tanzania) to undertake the first solar powered well pump in the region. This partnership was formed to help the rural people of Tanzania have better access to clean drinking water. The village where the project was undertaken already had a deep well pump in place which was being powered by a diesel generator. The generator was using dirty and expensive fuel. Often the villagers would not run the generator due to fuel costs, resulting in the same problem for them- lack of clean water.

The Sky is Not Limited, in conjunction with African Reflections Foundation, arranged for this well pump to be replaced with a solar powered one. This new well pump eliminated the necessity for expensive fuel and allowed the villagers to run the pump much more frequently. This project was installed in November 2011. Our organization hopes to continually partner with African Reflections Foundation to actively install more clean water projects throughout the region. Special thanks to Maria Pool!

Tags: Charity Organization

Address & Contact

180 Main Ave
(518) 209-6727
Non-Profit Organization

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