The Van Trump Report - (816) 322-5300

The VanTrump Report is a daily Agricultural newsletter that contains some of the best and most comprehensive agricultural information in the world from some of the best minds in the industry.

What I offer is unlike the others in the industry. To start with I do not own, operate or work for a brokerage firm or crop insurance company, therefore I have no vested interest in talking you into trades, hedges or coverages you do not need. I focus my attention on helping you improve your current marketing techniques, not over complicating the process with confusing and complicated new strategies.

The VanTrump Report does not simply regurgitate the news or events. We strive to paint vivid pictures of the information we deem relevant so that our readers can better visualize or articulate why this action or event may eventually affect their business or investment. In many respects we are trying to predict the unpredictable. We are constantly searching and reporting on the next possible “Black Swan” event that could change our industry for the better or for worse. We are not just shooting from the hip - we must back up all of our statements and assertions with facts, figures and anecdotes.

We strive to create “one” story for all. We have to think globally, not locally. We have to write with a style and simplicity that anyone, anywhere can understand. Essentially all of our material must be written so a layman can understand it and a professional can appreciate it!

We continually remind ourselves that “News & Information” needs to be a surprise. We have to quickly and efficiently tell our subscribers what we know today…that we did not know yesterday!


Address & Contact

319 N Municipal Cir
(816) 322-5300

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