The Wauconda Cafe & Store - (509) 486-4044

Historic Wauconda Store and Highlands Cafe in the Sunny Okanogan. At this location since 1930. Post Office in rear of store. A unique place !

March 1903: John R. VanSlyke, his wife Ethel M (Mosier) and 1 yr old Daughter Hazel left Ionia, MI to come west to Spokane, WA. Where they stayed looking the country over and deciding on a place to settle.

Fall of 1903: John purchased the Wauconda Store and Post Office from Charlie Gugat.
At that time it was a one room log cabin with a lean-to built on the side, where the family lived. Ethel (my Mother) was born in the lean-to in April of 1904.

At the time of purchase; there was a large barn for stage horses, blacksmith shop, root cellar and a cabin for stage drivers to cook and sleep in.

1904: John R. built a stick frame store across the road from the log store.
He also bought out a creamery business south of the store and ran it; making butter until he turned it into a grist mill; where he made mash for hogs & cattle and whole wheat flour. He also built a grainery for storage of grain and feed.

Early 1917: John R. sold the store/postoffice to Clarence Rowe and Charles Merrill Sr. At which time John purchased the Store/postoffice at Toroda from Mr. Burdette, Charles Merrill was the Post master for Wauconda until March 1919.

Fall of 1918: John recovered the Wauconda Store/Post Office and ran it until 1945 when he and his wife retired. He sold the Toroda store/postoffice to Mr. & Mrs. Quade.

1931: The "new" Highway was put in; which missed the store/postoffice by about a mile, so John R. moved the store location and built a new store where it is located presently.

1945: John R. sold the store/post office to John VanSlyke (son) & wife Bessie, and retired to a new home he built near Tonasket. "Personal note; in 1972 I purchased a home near Ellisforde, imagine my delight when we remodeled the kitchen and found the shipping labels still on the old cupboards with my Grandfathers name on them, so I unknowingly purchased the house my Grandfather built.

1947: John (son) sold the store to ?

Tags: Convenience Store,Post Office,Cafe

Address & Contact

2360 Highway 20
(509) 486-4044

Map & Directions

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