The Whitefish Bay Community Garden - (414) 559-8642

“No longer taken for granted or viewed in isolation, food can and should be connected to community vitality, cultural survival, economic development, social justice, environmental quality, ecological integrity, and human health” - Clare Hinrichs

the Whitefish Bay Community Garden applies food and agricultural education to the core-disciplines, while accelerating and expanding them. By utilizing the medium of agriculture and food systems, it is our intention to nourish: practical skills, leadership opportunities, an appreciation for community (local and global, human and other-than-human), and a broader, more critical understanding of food - as it comes to us, from field to plate, taking into account the accumulation of relationships and consequences rooted in every bite!

The Whitefish Bay Community Garden's vision is to provide students and other community members a medium, that being our living classroom at the Whitefish Bay Community Garden, by which we can educate ourselves and others about the dynamic relationships exerted within and outwards from our food and agriculture-related choices and actions. Our method of education is to enlighten our community using communication and outreach alongside our continuous demonstration of ecological- and human-minded practices within and outside of our community garden. From this we will have the reward of: providing healthy and purposefully grown food, cultivating community partnerships, developing beautiful shared spaces for shared experiences, and organizing further initiatives for the benefit of - not only - the Whitefish Bay community, but also the broader Milwaukee area, and the world at large!

Volunteer days are set times of every week that offer the opportunity for anyone in the community to come to the garden to ask questions, learn, make suggestions, and help out! If you are interested in getting your hands in the earth of the community garden, we - the WFB Farmers - will be there - EVERY Tuesday from 2 to 7 pm and EVERY Saturday from 9 until noon - leading different garden activities alongside informational lessons and discussions.

You do NOT have to come right at the start, NOR are you expected to stay the entire time. There are always plenty of diverse activities to be done in the garden - so if you are unable or are someone who just isn't into heavier lifting, bending over, or getting dirty NO WORRIES we are always happy to accommodate for your wants and/or needs.
If you are planning on coming, it would be very helpful to us if you could shoot us an email the night before - so we can plan accordingly, and also offer you any information that might be useful for you to prepare to have the best experience possible!

JOIN THE WFB Farmers email list - Email us at to sign up!

All are welcome, whatever your level of experience or background in the focus, to take part in any of our five committees - each with their own to-be-established subcommittees. Look to this as an opportunity, not only to become an active participant in a community initiative working to address sustainability issues through the medium of growing a more peaceful and responsive food system, but also to take part in a new, experiential learning process teaching all of us necessary life skills for cultivating individual and community awareness, vitality, responsibility, and practical action through food!
To join please send us an email listing the committee you want to be involved with, some of your interests/experiences (applicable and not), and your professional status (student or other) at

APPRENTICE or INTERN - Facebook or email us to find out HOW!

BECOME A MEMBER - Facebook or email us to find out HOW!

MAKE A DONATION - Facebook or email us to find out HOW!

STAY POSTED ON FACEBOOK - "The Whitefish Bay Community Garden"

“A significant part of the pleasure of eating is one's accurate consciousness of the lives and the world from which food comes. The pleasure of eating, then, may be the best available standard of our health. Eating with the fullest pleasure—pleasure, that is, that does not depend on ignorance—is perhaps the profoundest enactment of our connection with the world. In this pleasure we experience and celebrate our dependence and our gratitude”
–Wendell Berry

“The earth provides enough to satisfy every person’s needs but not every person’s greed. . . . When we take more than we need, we are simply taking from each other, borrowing from the future, or destroying the environment and other species”

Tags: Community Organization,Farm,Urban Farm

Address & Contact

1200 E Fairmount Ave
Whitefish Bay
(414) 559-8642

Map & Directions

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