Tops OK #0308, Ponca City

We are a weight loss support group, here to assist you in your desire to a healthier lifestyle.

TOPS Club, Inc. is a nonprofit, noncommercial, weight-loss support organization based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, with chapters located worldwide. Its two-fold objective is to encourage healthy lifestyles through weight-management support groups and to sponsor obesity research. Most members refer to the organization simply as "TOPS,” an acronym for "Take Off Pounds Sensibly.”

TOPS was founded in ...1948 by Esther Manz, as a response to the need to assist overweight and obese people lose weight by setting up a support group system. Recognition, accountability and physician support remain key elements. An incentive for chapter members who reach and maintain goal weights set by their doctors is acknowledgement as KOPS (Keeps Off Pounds Sensibly) members. This is one of the most challenging parts of successful weight management. TOPS publishes education material to help its members understand the dynamics of behavior change, good nutrition, increased activity aimed at developing a healthy new lifestyle. Local chapter meetings incorporate all of these elements on a weekly basis.

TOPS OK 0308, Ponca City meets Monday evening at the First Presbyterian Church1505 E Grand from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Weigh in 5:00 to 5:50.
Meeting to follow ending at 7:00.


Address & Contact

Meets at 1505 E Grand
Ponca City
Non-Profit Organization

Map & Directions

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