Tree Doctor - (563) 380-3725

Pesticide applications for forestry and landscape and property vegetation management improvement. Visit our website for more info:

Local business providing Land Management Services including protection from Emerald Ash Borer and Oak wilt. Other services also available please call for details.

Emerald Ash Borer

Unfortunately, The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) infestation has reached eastern Iowa. This leaves Ash tree owners and property managers with the difficult decision of deciding whether to remove the tree(s) or to treat those trees. Treatment may not be the best option for all situations. However, we at Tree Doctor can provide the best possible prevention/treatment when it is the best option.

Why should I treat my Ash tree(s)?:

Many have used the logic that they don't want to treat their trees indefinitely so removal is the only viable option. While there is truth to this, it is still not always the best option or even the most economical. Tree Doctor can treat your Ash tree(s) at a fraction of the cost of removal. Although additional treatments will be necessary in the future, on average, we can protect your tree(s) against EAB for 10 years for the same cost as removal. Of course, that period of time is greatly extended when factoring in the cost comparison of the value and benefits provided by the larger tree compared to that of a smaller replacement tree. How much does that Ash tree(s) add to the value and/or enjoyment of your property?
Many things can change in a 10 year period. Insect infestations tend to follow a life cycle. In 10-15 years EAB will have likely exhausted their food supply and will be a more recognized food source by insect predators. Consequently, EAB populations will likely crash and surviving Ash trees will be in much less jeopardy. One EAB predator, the parasitoid wasp, are several species of almost microscopic stingless wasps from Asia that target EAB eggs and larva. Researchers in Minnesota and Michigan are currently studying these species in hopes it can be introduced for the control of EAB. Early research is very promising, however, further research will be necessary.
Essentially, if you can preserve your Ash tree(s) for the next 10-15 years, changes in the environment and bio-technology may make it possible for your Ash tree(s) to survive untreated.

Other Services

Tree Doctor can also treat/prevent many other common tree health issues including: Oak Wilt, Dutch Elm Disease, Apple Scab, and Ph and nutrient issues. We presently serve northeast Iowa. We have plans to extend the service area to southeast Minnesota and southwest Wisconsin in the near future.

Tags: Landscaping

Address & Contact

2035 127th St
(563) 380-3725
Professional Services

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