UA Pine Bluff Aquaculture Fisheries Center - (870) 575-8968

The AQFI Center of Excellence at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) is recognized as a leader in aquaculture/fisheries teaching, research and extension programs. It is the only comprehensive aquaculture program within the U of A system.

Welcome to the Aquaculture/Fisheries (AQFI) Center at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB). The Center of Excellence was created in 1988 to combine resident instruction, research, and extension responsibilities into one comprehensive unit. Our faculty, staff and students work together, across disciplines and functions to offer research-based scientific solutions to make a difference in Arkansas and throughout the U.S.
The AQFI Center of Excellence at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) is recognized as a leader in aquaculture/fisheries teaching, research and extension programs. It is the only comprehensive aquaculture program within the University of Arkansas System to support the state's $167 million aquaculture industry. This industry has an economic impact of over $1.2 billion in the Delta region of Arkansas. We have a growing natural fisheries component that provides scientific support to the recreational fishing industry that has an economic impact of over $440 million/yr in Arkansas.
The Center currently has a total of 47 faculty and staff including 17 Ph.D. scientists, 15 M.S., 10 B.S. degree staff and secretarial and maintenance personnel. The aquaculture industry in Arkansas and natural resource agencies support the UAPB program with direct financial support, in-kind contributions and through participation in the National Fisheries Advisory Council to the program. The Advisory Council provides overall guidance in terms of research priorities.
Hands-on Teaching & Learning We teach classes for undergraduate students majoring in Fisheries Biology (B.S.) and graduate students working on an M.S. in Aquaculture/Fisheries. Our emphasis is on hands-on, innovative teaching methods designed to prepare students for exciting careers in aquaculture and natural resources-related fields.
Research We have a wide-ranging research program in aquaculture and natural fisheries conducted by faculty engaged with aquaculture and natural resource stakeholders to solve real-world problems. Our research involves field work in earthen ponds, both small experimental and large commercial rivers, and lakes. Samples are brought back to the laboratories for water quality, fish identification, food habitat, age, growth and other analysis. Nutrition and fish health studies are done in aquaria and tanks that are kept indoors. Data are analyzed on computers with sophisticated modeling software and analytical procedures.
Extension We provide comprehensive extension programs and services to Arkansas and other states to transfer newly-developed techniques and research information into real-world practice. These include diagnostics services to identify fish diseases and water quality problems and, more importantly, to recommend treatments. We organize educational meetings, farm demonstrations, and field days. We also publish fact sheets on important issues and respond as quickly as we can to calls for assistance from county agents, fish farmers, farm pond owners, and natural resource managers.

The Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries is the administrative unit for the academic teaching programs. Undergraduate students preparing for a B.S. degree in Fisheries Biology and graduate students working on a M.S. degree in Aquaculture/Fisheries belong to the Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries. Academic advisement, awarding departmental scholarships, class scheduling, and registration for classes are all functions of the Department. Faculty in tenure-track positions are assigned administratively to the department (for the teaching portion of their appointments) and tenure is awarded through it as well.

The B.S. degree in Fisheries Biology was originally offered through the Department of Agriculture. With the addition of the M.S. degree in Aquaculture/Fisheries and recognition of the unique aspects of the disciplines of Aquaculture and Fisheries, the Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries was created in 1994 as the third department within the school of Agriculture, Fisheries and Human Sciences.

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Address & Contact

1200 N Uniiversity Avenue/Mail Slot #4912
Pine Bluff
(870) 575-8968

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