Unity of Boulder Spiritual Center - (303) 442-1411

Unity of Boulder is a family church center that emphasizes diversity, healing, community and love for all

Unity of Boulder Spiritual Center is a family church center that emphasizes diversity, healing, and love for all ages.

According to Reverend Jack Groverland, what sets Unity apart from other Christian denominations is that Unity acknowledges an omnipresent Christ who guides, heals and transforms people from within. In Unity theology, the second coming of Christ is the awakening of Christ in the consciousness of any individual. Thus, the Kingdom of God is where Jesus said it was, within us (Luke 17:21).

Jack Groverland, Head Minister, along with his daughter, Syntysche Groverland who is the Associate Minister, give weekly Sunday sermons covering topics like the Law of Attraction, Unity Principles, Bible Secrets, and A Course in Miracles. Norma Groverland, Music Minister, and wife of Jack Groverland, leads the acclaimed Unity band and choir that accompanies these services. The services also include special music performed by local and national artists.

Besides being a bustling church, with two services every Sunday and a Wednesday night meditation service, Unity is also a spiritual center that serves as an event space, a meeting place, a concert venue, and place to hold classes or workshops. A perfect wedding venue, this spiritual setting is also complete with a dressing room for the bride.

The building is remarkable with hand-crafted features throughout the church, hand painted murals, a meditation room, a fellowship hall and “Good Karma Kitchen”, several classrooms, a Spiritual Gift Shop and Bookstore, offices, a healing room, and of course, the spacious and acoustically sound sanctuary that seats up to 700 people. On the church grounds, members can take a meditative stroll by the stream, walk through the labyrinth, and enjoy the vegetable and flower gardens there.

Unity is a strong advocate for the environment and strives to be a “green church”. Their congregation raised the money to install solar panels in 2010 and they switched to energy efficient bulbs, recyclable and compostable products, and water conserving fixtures. The church also donates to various funds to protect wildlife and the environment.

Tags: Church

Address & Contact

2855 Folsom St
(303) 442-1411
Church/Religious Organization

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