Vance Family Housing - (580) 234-0498

Vance Family Housing is a privatized military housing community with 242 family homes. Providing outstanding services and amenities while improving the quality of family life of Vance Military families is our top priority.

Welcome to the official Facebook Fan Page of Vance Family Housing.

All comments will be screened for accuracy, relevance, importance, etc. Any vulgar, obscene, our otherwise unproductive comments will be removed. In an effort to keep the page clean and easy to read, ALL post and comments will be removed in a timely manner. Posts deemed by Vance Family Housing as important MAY remain for longer pe...riods of time. Non-Residents who continually provide
unproductive, unfounded, or otherwise unnecessary posts or comments will be removed from this page. Vance Family Housing reserves the right to "block" any memberof this page without warning, or cause.

Vance Family Housing is not responsible for and cannot control content added on third party pages that may be linked, mentioned or referenced on our page. Vance Family Housing is committed to making our Faceboook page safe, and clean of all negative content or posts so all visitors to enjoy. If we are alerted or find content that may be harmful, it will be removed immediately.Vance Family Housing takes very serious it’s goal to keep this page clean and safe for all visitors. Any direct links Vance Family Housing feels may be harmful, will be removed from the page.

All comments posted by fans of Vance Family Housing are the sole opinion of the individual and not necessarily those of Vance Family Housing it's employees, or parent companies.

No soliciting. Solicitations will be promptly removed. No solicitations from outside vendors, or individuals allowed; however, promotions of events such as bake sales, etc. will be allowed at the discretion of Vance Family Housing. All other solicitations will be promptly removed.

Joining or "liking" this page will serve as acknowledgment of the above mission and rules.

Welcome to the official Facebook Fan Page of (project name).
All comments will be screened for accuracy, relevance, importance, etc. Any
vulgar, obscene, our otherwise unproductive comments will be removed. In an
effort to keep the page clean and easy to read, ALL post and comments will be
removed in a timely manner. Posts deemed by (project name) as important MAY
remain for longer periods of time. Non-Residents who continually provide
unproductive, unfounded, or otherwise unnecessary posts or comments will be
removed from this page. (project name) reserves the right to "block" any member
of this page without warning, or cause.
(Project name) is not responsible for and cannot control content added on third
party pages that may be linked, mentioned or referenced on our page. (Project
name) is committed to making our Facebook page safe, and clean of all negative
content or posts so all visitors to enjoy. If we are alerted or find content that may
be harmful, it will be removed immediately. (Project Name) takes very serious its
goal to keep this page clean and safe for all visitors. Any direct links (Project
Name) feels may be harmful, will be removed from the page.
All comments posted by fans of (project name) are the sole opinion of the
individual and not necessarily those of (project name), its employees, or parent
No soliciting. Solicitations will be promptly removed. No solicitations from outside
vendors, or individuals allowed; however, promotions of events such as bake
sales, etc. will be allowed at the discretion of (project name). All other
solicitations will be promptly removed.
Joining or "liking" this page will serve as acknowledgment of the above mission
and rules.

Tags: Real Estate

Address & Contact

4405 Lehr St
(580) 234-0498
Local Business

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