Offering American Veterans a hand up, not a hand out! To Serve and Honor!
The VO has the primary mission of honoring and serving all veterans. Each individual has unique needs that are identified through personal one-on-one interviews. We endeavor to use our program resources to offer a hand up, not a hand out; to benefit veterans and in turn communities and this great nation!
Through the course of 2003-2011 alone, Veteran's Outreach has assisted American Vets over 9,712 times in matters of employment, guidance, lay counseling and various aid.
Throughout 2012, due to the state of our economy as well as more and more veterans experiencing difficulties, we have been challenged as well!
We were able to assist veterans 3,142 times in 2011, despite the poor economy! More than 3,128 veterans and family members visited our corporate office alone, for the purposes of guidance, lay counseling, and assistance. These numbers do not include the large amount of aid and advice offered over the phone and email... we are truly driven to help veterans succeed and stand on their own two feet!
Tags: Armed Forces