VILLEGAS SOCCER CENTER is the newest soccer league to come to the Springville, Mapleton, Spanish Fork area. There are numerous games that go on during the week.
The age limit ranges from 5 yrs old to 99 yrs old. Men, Women, Boys, and Girls are all able to play. There is currently a Men's, Women's, and Boys' league.
What VILLEGAS SOCCER CENTER is all about is simple =
Affordable soccer playing and fun. Many people charge a lot of mony to play, be everyone knows that time could be better; hence, fun in a affordable manner.
Also, V - MART SOCCER provides soccer education + games for kids ages 5 - 12. This is part of the Villegas Soccer Center prorgam, V - CADAMY. One hour of practice a week which focuses on basic skills: Dribbling, passing, running, shooting, team skills, and etc. On Saturdays, there are games among the V - CADEMY and between other academies.
Call Cristobal Villegas:
Cell (2): (801)509-6672
Also visit:
Tags: Sports & Recreation