VOICE in the Harvest - 210-695-4592 & 586-770-2297

Prophetic Ministry
Serving the eternal purpose of the God Head.
Friends of the Bride Groom serving to prepare His Beloved Bride.

My wife Julie was born in Pontiac, MI and I was born in Holly MI. We have traveled the United States extensively. We now reside in Helotes, TX right adjacent to San Antonio, TX. We are both Licensed Independent Catastrophe Insurance Adjusters and ordained ministers.

I was born again in 1969 during vacation Bible school. Later touched by the Jesus Movement. My wife was raised Pentecostal. I was raised through a multiplicity of denominations. I became a serious believer with my wife in the early 70's. We have been married 37 years and have two children Shanna and Stephen both career military. Both are married and to marvelous spouses and have blessed us with six grandchildren.

The vision for this ministry was birthed in 1986 after a year of prayer and fasting. This ended in a 40 day fast during which the Lord gave us Zechariah IV as a life scripture concerning His call on our lives. The name of the ministry was given Voice In The Harvest at the same time. Our ordination took place that same year. We were ordained by a Presbytery that consisted of Dr. Robert Doorn, Dr. Glenyce Doorn, Dr. Daniel K. Wagner and the Elders. This ordination was not pre-planned but was done spontaneously by Dr. Robert Doorn hearing instruction from Holy Spirit. This was instituted by God and not by men.
Julie and I are both members of Gwen Shaw's Endtime Handmaidens and Servants since the early 1980's. We have experienced over the last 40 years even before our ordination the laying on of hands and prophetic words from national and international known ministers many spontaneously Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa, Dr. Fuchsia T. Pickett, Iverna Tompkins, Prophetess Shirley Carpenter, Prophetess Sigi Oblander, Apostle Gwen Shaw, Dr. Bob Baldwin, Apostle Dr. Adonijah Ogbonnaya, , Prophet Scott Webster, Prophet Lynn Hiles, Prophet Charles Lynn, Pastor Donald G. Leavell, Apostle Dan Hall, Apostle Dudley Hall, Dennis Peacock, Apostolic Prophet Dennis Goldsworthy Davis, Dr. Paul Doherty, Evangelist Reinhardt Bonke, Prophet Kim Clement, Apostle Dr. Kelly Varner, Dr. Jerry & Sherrill Piscopo, Prophet Bob Jones, Revivalist Jeff Jansen, Revivalist Dr. Howard Rodney Browne, Apostle Dr. Renny McLean, Prophet Dr. Kervin J. Smith, Connie Wilson, Prophetess Sherry Tait, Charles Simpson, Revivalist Randy Demain, Prophet Michael Constantine, (Pops) Bill Gilbert, Apostle Vance Russell, and many others.
One great honor in particular was having hands laid on us in the order of apostolic succession of the Syrian Orthodox Church. The Arch Bishop who laid hands on us told us this tradition goes back to the original Apostles of Christ and was the greatest honor bestowed upon ministers of the Orthodox faith. We cherish the words of the Apostles and Prophets of God. We have extensive experience in the prophetic office, leadership training schools, plenaries, symposiums, practical hands on use of charisma ta (gifts of Holy Spirit). This spans over 40 years and still continues strongly in our lives.
We have not been trained in one Prophet's school but in many as the Holy Spirit has directed. We have also been involved in many aspects of the market place. In spite of all this training you will find us not given to an intellectual approach but a Holy Spirit led approach in serving the Church as it enters into this new day. We believe the fruits, gifts, and Presence of God will be very evident in our service to the Body of Christ. We lovingly assure you that you will be changed by what God does. We have direct oversight that consists of those mentioned at the bottom of this page and others. We were ordained a second time by Third Day Ministries on 04/04/2009. We have had and continue to have incredible encounters with the Lord 2 Peter 1:2-4..

Dr. Adonijah Ogbonnaya (www.aactev8.com). Bob & Sandra Baldwin ThD (servants@eritter.net). Dr's Robert & Glenyce Doorn (www.thedoorns.org). Pastor Daniel K. Wagner (dan@thewagnerhome.com). The gentleman we lovingly call Pops is Bill Gilbert from Mobile, AL. He was a pastor serving with Charles Simpson. He is now with the Lord. Pastor's Ron & Ellen Lavoie have experienced our walk and ministry as well. Their email is ronellen03234@gmail.com. We are presently members of and part of the leadership Prophetic Ministry team with Pastor Bruce & Sherry Gunkel of City of Refuge in San Antonio, TX http://thecityofrefuge.org/

This is a new day for all of us let the Body of Christ arise.

In His everlasting love,

Stephen & Julie Bundra

501 (c) 3
Tax Deductible Organization

Tags: Disaster Relief

Address & Contact

275 Rock Point Dr
210-695-4592 & 586-770-2297
Non-Profit Organization

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