VOLUNTEER CONNECTION, INC helps other nonprofit organizations in Walworth County find volunteers to help meet critical community needs. Over 400 volunteers provide essential services to 50,000 residents at no charge.
When Walworth County officials received news in 2010 that funding for the local Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) was no longer available, VOLUNTEER CONNECTION was created as a 501c3 nonprofit. While RSVP was limited to senior citizens ages 55 and older, VOLUNTEER CONNECTION is open to all ages. Opening volunteer opportunities to younger people has increased the number of volunteers who sign up to to provide complimentary services to local libraries, schools, food pantries, medical facilities and in assisting elderly, disabled and those struggling financially, among others.
With the help of Patti O’Brien, VOLUNTEER CONNECTION’s director, other dedicated volunteers, the Walworth County Board voted to provide office space and a small grant to help Volunteer Connection start up. One major change is opening volunteer opportunities to younger people. RSVP was limited to senior citizens ages 55 and older. Widening the age range of volunteers has increased the number of people who sign up to provide complimentary services to local libraries, schools, food pantries, medical facilities and in assisting elderly, disabled and those struggling financially, among others.
This year the value of these wonderful volunteers served 50,000 residents and saved County taxpayers $902,739.10. In order to keep providing these services we need to meet a budget goal of $80,000 a year. This is needed for office supplies, providing mileage for our volunteers (something we currently afford to do until; we get meet out funding goals), various insurances, legal expenses, and a salary for the amazing and dedicated Patti O’Brien who has been instrumental in keeping RSVP, and now VOLUNTEER CONNECTION going over 16 years. We are currently funded by Walworth County, United Way and we have recently received a generous grant from the Pentair Foundation. This takes us to almost half of our needed funding so volunteers to create fundraising opportunities and/or corporate sponsorships are badly needed right now. Please contact Patti O’Brien at 262-723-5383 Cell: 262-472-9632 to volunteer, make a donation or help with fundraising ideas.
Volunteer Connection, Inc. benefits our Walworth County communities, the organizations we serve, as well as you, the volunteer. By giving of your time, talents and experience to your community, you are helping neighbors in need. Research indicates that by volunteering we enjoy better health, make new friendships, stay active and involved, and learn new skills. Service enhances everyone’s quality of life. Consider making a difference today!
Anyone interested in volunteering can contact Patti O'Brien by calling the Volunteer Connection office at 262-723-5383 Cell: 262-472-9632