WampWorx Energy - (508) 477-1600

Building solutions for renewable energy and infrastructure needs for Native American Communities by Native Americans

WWX RE clients are interested in a broad range of sustainable development initiatives and particularly projects that will be located on lands owned by Native American tribal governments and other entities.

The US Department of Energy Tribal Energy Program supports a variety of energy-related projects on tribal lands. The program provides financial and technical assistance that enables tribes to evaluate and develop their renewable energy resources. As a result some tribes have already demonstrated the viability of renewable energy and built the institutional capacity to manage their energy needs and assess the feasibility of energy efficiency and renewable energy installations.

The three largest branches of the United States Department of Defense (DoD) – the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force – have each set aggressive goals to acquire 1 GW each of on‐ base renewable energy by 2025. This capacity is to be distributed among several technology types, including solar, wind, biomass,
and geothermal, with individual projects generally ranging from 10 to 50 MW.

Rather than soliciting engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) solutions from private contractors with the intention of taking ownership of the projects, which requires significant upfront capital and ongoing operational/managerial resources, the DoD has elected to take ownership of only the energy generated by such projects, funding them over time via long‐ term power purchase agreements (PPAs).

In this environment many more tribal leaders are now encouraged to give serious consideration to renewable energy projects for themselves and neighboring DoD facilities. We have the experience and the ability to bring those proposals to both parties by a trusted indigenous source, WampWorx Renewable Energy.

Tags: Engineering Service

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25 Devon St
(508) 477-1600

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