Warwick Memorial United Methodist Church - (757) 877-2270

Christ invites all people by the power of the Holy Spirit to receive God's love and grace.

As the body of Christ following the Spirit's leadership, we are a gateway to the Gospel and a nurturing community serving all.

Join us on Sundays:

8:30-9:30am Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary

8:55-9am: Prayer and Praise in the Celebration Center

9-9:50am The Lampstand Emergent Worship Service in the Celebration Center: for more info on the lampstand go here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Lampstand/188674067841270

9:30-10am Fellowship Time in front of the Celebration Center

10-11am Sunday School
- Covenant Sunday School class: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Warwick-Memorial-UMC-Covenant-Sunday-School-Class/208343905901826
- Family Faith Class:
- Aldersgate Class for Young Adults
- Trinity Class for older adults
- Sunday School for children and youth

11:15am-12:15pm Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UPCOMING SUNDAYS AND EVENTS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Check out our website for the most current information: http://www.wmumc.org

Tags: Methodist Church

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