Weatherly Watchdog - (570) 427-8787

CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT CANON 1. JUDGES SHOULD UPHOLD THE INTEGRITY AND INDEPENDENCE OF THE JUDICIARY. An independent and honorable judiciary is indispensable to justice in our society. Judges should participate in establishing, maintaining, and enforcin

Our local officials whether elected or appointed are here to represent the will of the people. They are not here to promote their own agendas, end of story. When they seek to do so, they must be replaced. Their job is to ensure that the people of this community can thrive. The good of the whole community out-weighs the good of the "ruling" parties.
When we fail to monitor our elected and appointed officials they will no doubt run amok. As history has or at least should have taught us "absolute power corrupts absolutely." This has become a world-wide subject of concern. It should also be ours. When we allow our officials to become comfortable (and rooted in the past) they refuse to allow for change.
It is the intent of this page to hold those in authority accountable for their actions, to protect the Rights, well-being and the safety and security of "we the people" of this community.
• Service. I put God and Country first and You before myself. Quiet patriotism is my hallmark. I am dedicated to you the people. I pride myself on extraordinary responsiveness to the needs of this community.
• Integrity. I will uphold the highest standards of conduct. I will speak the truth—Regardless of its consequences. I honor those who will join me in taking this oath.
• Excellence. I will not accept mediocrity I will hold myself and anyone willing to make this pledge to the highest standards. I expect to be held to the same.
I embrace personal accountability, reflect on my performance and learn from that reflection
I solemnly swear to uphold this sacred oath!
Donald F. Braun Jr.
AKA The Weatherly Watchdog

Tags: Community & Government

Address & Contact

647 W Main St
(570) 427-8787

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