WEB Excavating LLC - (540) 854-0003

Family owned and operated soils and excavation company serving all your soils and excavation needs.

WEB Excavating, LLC is a full service design and installation company. We can take your lot from the initial phase of determining the suitability of soils for a drain field all the way through permitting and installation. We can also provide maintenance for alternative drain field systems as required through the state. The following is a list of some of the services we can provide:

Permits ∙ Feasibility Studies ∙ Certification Letters ∙ Subdivision Planning/Design ∙ Alternative
Drain Fields ∙ Drain Field Inspections & Installations ∙ Land Clearing ∙ Driveways ∙ Ponds ∙
Basements/Footers ∙ Maintenance and Repairs

We would also be happy to assist homeowners with a well installation packages. WEB Excavating, LLC. eliminates the hassle of having to deal with multiple subcontractors by being able to perform everything needed on your lot to get started with building. Although we do offer all these services we are also happy to just help with individual services as well.

Tags: Septic Tank Service

Address & Contact

17610 Waddy Ln
(540) 854-0003
Professional Services

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