Weehawken Dance - (970) 318-0150

Bringing the Love of Dance to Ridgway, Ouray, Silverton and Montrose from Weehawken Creative Arts!

Weehawken Creative Arts is a non-profit organization. We are successful because of you, your family, your friends, our volunteers, donors and patrons. Our community helps us grow and continue to provide the best quality programming.

Student’s placement in classes and workshops offered by WCA Dance is at the discretion of the WCA teaching staff and is subject to the approval of the Artistic Director. Our levels are based upon the guidelines of the American Ballet Theatre National Training Curriculum. This program is widely recognized in dance studios across America, providing a good reference for an individual student’s accomplishment. Guidelines for levels are approximate and may vary according to the individual’s experience, development, physical attributes, and/or the judgment of the teacher about a particular student’s readiness for a designated level of work. If a teacher determines that a student’s previous training has not prepared the student adequately for the level of work, the student may be asked to take a slower class.

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About Weehawken Dance’s Artistic Director: Natasha Pyeatte:

Natasha Pyeatte, has been dancing for 26 years and has extensive professional performance, choreography and stage experience. Natasha has trained and danced with the Colorado Ballet School of Denver, Gotta Dance and The Edge in Los Angeles, and Mesa State in Grand Junction. She has also performed with Valerie Madonia, Tony Coppola, Feet First Dance Ensemble, Telluride Repertory Theatre, Telluride Aids Benefit, Morgan Wixson Theatre of Santa Monica, and choreographed for Magic Circle Theatre of Montrose, Weehawken Dance, Ouray County Players, Telluride Dance Academy, and The Ames Conservatory. In addition to dance experience, Natasha has been teaching tap, jazz, ballet, modern, hip-hop and pointe for 9 years, and specifically the ABT Curriculum for 3 years, and choreographing for stage performances for 10 years. Natasha has studied extensively on her teaching training at Mesa State college, and with Shirley Fortenberry of London Festival Ballet, and Valerie Madonia of the Joffery Ballet. Natasha also donates her time by choreographing community shows in our area and organizing dance workshops.

Natasha is excited to be teaching in Southwest Colorado and has enjoyed thoroughly developing the dance program for Weehawken Dance as the Artistic Director of the program since the fall of 2007.

Natasha is an ABT® Certified Teacher, who has successfully completed the ABT® Teacher Training Intensive in Primary through Level 5 of the ABT® National Training Curriculum.

Weehawken is honored to have her endless enthusiasm, talent, insight and vision guiding the program each day.

Tags: Arts & Entertainment,Performing Arts Education,Dance Instruction

Address & Contact

(970) 318-0150
Non-Profit Organization

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