Weight Watchers of Sallisaw

We are here to help you lead a healthier life by losing weight and adding more activity to your life.

Just throwing this out there: This page will not tell you how to do the Weight Watchers plan, it is here to help you with suggestions on leading a healthier life by eating right and exercising. We do not believe in dieting or taking supplements of any kind. If you sell or take supplements of any kind then this program is not for you. If you want to learn the plan then you can come to the meetings and sign up for the program.

Our meetings are on Thursday nights at Journey Church in the café. Sign-up and weigh-ins start at 5:30 and the meeting starts at 6:00. I will post the meeting topics for the week and also recipes and tips on a daily basis. If we have to cancel the meeting for any reason for the week I will let everyone know on here. Please, keep all posts clean and no fowl language. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask and I will get you the answer you need.


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