Wells Valley Cat Sanctuary, Inc - (203) 350-5296

We help abandoned & feral cats in the greater New Milford, CT area. 501 (c) (3) organization, donations are tax deductible. 8 Wells Rd, New Milford, CT

Wells Valley Cat Sanctuary traps and neuters abandoned and feral cats and kittens. We work with each cat to see if they can be socialized, and if they are we work with a local non destroy animal shelter to find them homes. Those that are not adoptable will either stay with us, or if they have a stable colony with a caretaker, they will be returned to the colony.

Donations are tax deductible and can be made through Paypal with our email address..... wellsvalleycatsanctuary@gmail.com

We work with Animal Welfare Society in New Milford. While we do not have an application of our own, we assist AWS by adopting directly from our sanctuary with approval from AWS. We do our own veterinary checks and based on the outcome of that check and the application, cats/kittens are able to leave directly from the sanctuary instead of being transferred to AWS. Applications need to be pre-approved before a cat/kitten is released to a home. The cat/kitten must be fully vetted and spayed and/or neutered before leaving the sanctuary. Fees for adoption are $125 for a kitten that is 6 months or younger and $100 for cats over the age of 6 months. We also have senior cat discounts.

Dear Animal Lovers,

Abandoned and feral cats and kittens are a heartbreaking and difficult problem to solve, but not impossible. The lives of these cats and kittens are often short and full of sickness and hunger. You don’t always see them as they are often fearful of humans. They usually hide as they struggle to live, thus becoming less noticeable to people who would like to help.

I am writing to tell you about our organization, Wells Valley Cat Sanctuary, Inc. We have been working since 2011 to help these cats and kittens, reduce the population, and support healthy feral colonies. Since 2011, we have trapped, spayed or neutered and vaccinated over 70 cats and 50 kittens. We work with a local animal welfare organization to place those that can be socialized in new homes. Those that cannot be socialized are returned to stable colonies, which have caretakers and permanent shelter. If they did not come from an established colony and cannot be socialized, we provide a permanent home for them. Some, in time, may be adoptable to homes that can love the cat that may not sit on their lap. We will provide shelter, food and veterinary care for those that are not adoptable.

Our efforts provide many benefits for the towns in our area. The colonies are healthy, the population is reduced as we continually spay or neuter new cats that appear at the colonies. Spay/neuter programs are the only way this problem can be solved. Not all pet owners are responsible or have the finances, so we help provide this service.

Needless to say this is an expensive ongoing effort. Many of the cats/kittens we trap are sick and need medical care. We would like to build an additional room to permanently house cats that can not be returned or adopted, with an outside area as well as in indoor area and an isolation area for sick cats/kittens.

As of August 23, 2013 we are a recognized 501 (c) (3) organization and any donations are tax deductible. Please consider a donation, however large or small, to help us continue this valuable work. Many cats that would otherwise live a terrible existence will thank you.


Pam Lund
Wells Valley Cat Sanctuary, Inc.

Tags: Animal Shelter

Address & Contact

8 Wells Rd
New Milford
(203) 350-5296
Non-Profit Organization

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