Wheaton Door and Window - (888) 530-4413

Wheaton is the leading Home Improvement company provides Door & Window Replacement, Gutters, Siding, Decks Installation and Repair Services.

Mr. & Mrs. Eby, the founders of Wheaton Door & Window, started with a mom and pop shop and were trying to build a dream. Up until 2004 Wheaton Door and Window didn't take deposits.
Our customer's could order a $23,000 custom install job on a handshake.
That is the type of ethics, morals and principles that are embedded in our company.

In our Wheaton showroom we have a storm window we just replaced that was installed in 1960. We have a history of being known to go over and above the manufacture’s warranty.

Wheaton Door and Window specializes in helping homeowners like yourself at making sure that you receive a fair and adequate settlement for damages to your property due to acts of god ie. snow storms , wind and hail storms and other unforseen misfortunes such as break ins or burglaries. Commonly, after insurance providers settle up, most homeowners find they didn’t receive enough money to fix the damage or only enough to repair it with the lowest quality labor and materials. Wheaton Door and Window will assist and fight for you to get the right amount due on the repairs needed to restore your home to as good or better condition than before the damages occurred.

We have years of experience at helping homeowners get what they really deserve. If you have already received money from your insurer that doesn’t mean that’s all they should have paid. Insurance companies are notorious for under bidding repairs They also bank on that you don’t hire a company that knows what you really deserve.

Wheaton Door and Window can help you from filing a claim all the way thru the repair process including any emergency tarping or board up services you may need. Call us today for a free assessment of your damages and we will send out one of our claims specialist to meet with you and show you why so many homeowners have trusted our services for over 65 years.

Also find us on Twitter https://twitter.com/WheatonDW
and Pinterest http://pinterest.com/wheatondw/

Tags: Home Window Service,Roofer,Contractor

Address & Contact

5640 Sunnyside Ave Suite D
(888) 530-4413
Home Improvement

Map & Directions

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