Wheat Ridge Recreation Center - (303) 231-1300

Welcome to the official Facebook page of the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center.

The Wheat Ridge Recreation Center is a 70,000 square foot public recreation facility with something for everyone. No membership is required and our facility is open to both Wheat Ridge residents and non-residents.

Comment Policy
The City of Wheat Ridge reserves the right to remove any messages or postings that are obscene, defamatory, involve fraud, incite violence or criminal conduct, or are in violation of the copyright, trademark right, or other intellectual property right of any third party. Furthermore, the City reserves the right to remove any messages or postings that are unrelated to the topic of the forum. These include commercial promotions or purposes, and links to material not directly related to the discussion.
If a customer does not agree with these posting terms, the individual should not use the City sponsored social media sites.

The City of Wheat Ridge’s use of external social media web sites is provided as a public service. The City of Wheat Ridge disclaims liability for ads, videos, promoted content or comments accessible from any external web page. The responsibility for external content or comments rests with the organization or individuals providing them. Any inclusion of external content or comments does not imply endorsement by the City of Wheat Ridge.

Open Record Disclaimer
All comments and replies submitted by members of the public which relates to public business is potentially subject to public disclosure pursuant to the Colorado Open Records Act, C.R.S. 24-72-101 et seq.

Tags: Recreation Center,Swimming Pool,Fitness Center

Address & Contact

4005 Kipling St
Wheat Ridge
(303) 231-1300
Government Organization

Map & Directions

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