Planning the 2016 cross-country wheelchair trip! Updates coming soon.
The purpose of the trip was to educate the public about the need for more funding for Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Prior to my injury I was like most people about paying attention to unpopular issues such as personal tragedies. I now understand that it takes “public support” to force our politicians to fund the research that is needed. We are already paying plenty of taxes, let’s have the money go toward something useful.
A person with a Spinal Cord Injury is no different than someone with a broken arm or leg, except currently there is no cast or surgery in which to repair it. Or, at the very least, restore some of the most basic functions that most take for granite.
Scientist’s are very close to a “CURE” (really a fix) for SCI, and I want to help push it to reality. The only way to get this done is with “public support”. That is how we get State and Federal money for research (which Spinal Cord Research currently gets very little).
Join me in making SCI popular, let’s turn America blue!
My name is Chet Dyreson. I was injured racing motocross May 21st 2000. Since my injury, there have been great advancements toward curing paralysis, but much more needs to be done. It is my quest to educate people about the need to support Spinal Cord Research to cure paralysis. There are many Veterans, Accident Victims, Athletes, and many others that need our help. Along with donations, we also need to get our Congressmen involved in backing Spinal Cord Research. Most people know someone in a wheelchair, how great would it feel if you could do something to help them out of it?
I look forward to meeting the many people I will encounter on my adventure. Please join me in my quest. Thank you for helping with my cause.