Keeping Our Community Safe!
Whitestone has been home to most of us our entire lives! Although we're a small town in a big city, its important that our citizens come together to preserve our neighborhood and keep our residents safe & secure.
Our goal is to protect our community...its property, both public & private, and its neighbors with our children being the top priority! We will enlist vigilant volunteers to patrol every avenue, road, street, place and boulevard within the confines of Whitestone (which extend from the Clearview Expressway to the Whitestone Expressway AND 26th Avenue to the shore) to ensure that nothing is done to interrupt the peace & tranquility of our great neighborhood! Donations are graciously accepted and all proceeds will go directly to the neighborhood watch non-for-profit organization to help supply radios, car supplies, dispatch materials and promotion. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, suggestions or would like to volunteer, please contact us!