Welcome to Whittier College’s Official Facebook page! From news to photos to events, our newsfeed shares the vibrant spirit of our campus. Go Poets! www.whittier.edu
Whittier College is a four-year, independent, liberal arts college distinguished by its small size, a nationally recognized liberal arts curriculum and innovative interdisciplinary programs. Whittier College offers students a choice of 30 majors in 23 disciplines, or the option of a self-designed major through the Whittier Scholars Program—all of which lead to a bachelor of arts degree.
The College also offers a master's degree in education, with or without a teaching credential; additionally, the affiliated Whittier Law School, located in Costa Mesa, offers programs leading to either a juris doctorate or a master's in law (LL.M.) degree.
Comment policy: Whittier College welcomes the community’s contributions (e.g. comments, photo tagging, wall posts and the like) to its Facebook page. Community-contributed content on the page is the opinion of the specific author and does not represent Whittier College.
Whittier College abides by Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and asks those who "like" the College's page to do the same. In particular, please do not expose private information about others; "post unauthorized commercial solicitations (such as spam)"; "bully, intimidate or harass any user"; "post content that is hateful, threatening, pornographic, or that contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence"; or "do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious or discriminatory" on the Whittier College Facebook page.
Whittier College reserves the right, but is not obligated, to remove comments that expose the private data of others; contain commercial solicitations; are factually erroneous/libelous; are off-topic; or that otherwise violate Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Facebook encourages all users to utilize the "Report" links when they find abusive content.
Thank you in advance for your contributions to the Whittier College Facebook page, and for your help in creating a safe and vibrant online community here.
Our long academic tradition—grounded in the Quaker quest for knowledge and personal growth—aims to foster in students an appreciation for the complexities of the modern world and workplace while never losing sight of the importance of social responsibility. This is a place where students become actively involved in the local community as they explore their role in the global community too.
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