Attorneys and Counselor at Law Wilberforce Agyekum & Associates - provides professional legal services to our clients in King, Pierce, and Snohomish count
If you or a loved one have been seriously injured in an accident, call one of attorneys now. The sooner you contact us after a serious injury the better. Allowing too much time to pass can hurt your case. If you or a loved one have suffered any of the serious injuries below, contact us 24/7: 1-855-414-0364. We only accept cases where a serious injury has resulted and was confirmed or diagnosed by a doctor.
Herniated disc(s)
Slipped disc(s)
Any other sort of fracture/broken bone
Any sort of internal injury such as internal bleeding, bruised organ(s), collapsed or punctured organ(s), etc.
Brain injury (traumatic brain injury or TBI) including a concussion
A serious ligament tear such as a torn rotator cuff, torn ACL, torn MCL
Shoulder or Hip or Knee Dislocation
Anything that requires surgery
Anything that requires at least an overnight stay in the hospital