Williamsburg, Ohio Garden Club
The Williamsburg Garden Club was organized at the home of Dora Marsh, Third Street, Williamsburg, Ohio, on April 23, 1936.
Ten ladies - who were flower lovers - met at the home of Dora Marsh to discuss the possibilities of organizing a garden club. They hoped by sharing their knowledge and abilities that they might improve their skills of growing and arranging flowers. One of their goals was to be more artistic in decorating the various churches for special occasions.
According to the minutes of November of 1936, the club voted to affiliate with the Ohio Association of Garden Clubs. Ten years later the minutes indicate that the Williamsburg, Bethel and Newtown Clubs met together and enjoyed as their speaker, Professor Victor Reis, Secretary of the Ohio Association of Garden Clubs and professor of Horticulture at the Ohio State University.
Today, we are pleased to welcome new members into our club. Back in the early days a prospective member had to be brought by a member and then be voted on by the whole group.
Past projects of the club have helped to beautify Williamsburg. We have planted flowering trees and placed large pots of seasonal flowers along Main Street. We have helped maintain plantings at several locations in and around Williamsburg; our Memorial Garden located behind the old WHS building and the lilies at the Veterans' Memorial Walkway are two of those plantings. We have provided trees and other plants for the various school buildings in our village. We purchased flower boxes for the bridge and plant them in May of each year. When the growing season is over, we remove the plants in preparation for the Christmas Decorations we place on the bridge after Thanksgiving. We spearheaded the plantings of daffodils and trees at the Route 32 Interchange. We also present a "Gardener of the Year"/"Civic Beautification" award annually to a Williamsburg resident in order to encourage residential plantings which add to the beauty and charm of our village.