Williamsport Bicycle Recycle - (570) 322-8902

Bicycle Recycle, a non-profit volunteer workshop, operates a neighborhood facility to teach and assist with hands-on bicycle repair.

Ever wish there was a place to get help on repairing your bike? Or to find a recycled bike that you could customize for yourself? Stop in at Williamsport Bicycle Recycle. We are an all-volunteer community workshop that is part of the non-profit 501c3 Factory Works.
-Bring your bike into our shop and we’ll teach you repair techniques. You can use our tools and our recycled parts. Once stop is free. Membership is $40/year.
-Learn the how-to of simple repairs plus have hands-on time to practice in one of our bike maintenance courses. The cost is $15.
-Investigate our supply of used bikes and parts. You may even find a gem of a bike frame that we have rescued. For volunteering at least five times, you can build an entirely new bike.
- Donate a bike.
- Buy a bike that has been restored by our volunteers.
We believe bicycles can make our community a better place to live. Bicycle Recycle offers access to the benefits of bicycling through hands-on programs, volunteer projects, and a neighborhood bike shop.
We can always use volunteers – people who know bikes or would like to learn, people to help organize the shop, and people with skills in marketing and the social media.

Tags: Bike Shop

Address & Contact

Pajama Factory - 1307 Park Ave Building 10
(570) 322-8902

Map & Directions

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