Williamstown Grange

The Grange was formed after the turn of the Civil War to give Agricluture a voice in Legislature. Today the Grange is Evolved and does many things.

"The Grange is the nation's oldest national agricultural organization, with grassroot units established in 3,600 local communities in 37 states. Its 300,000 members provide service to agricultural and rural areas on a wide variety of issues including ecomnimic development, education, family endeavers, and legislations designed to assure a strong and viable Rural America. It was formed in the years following the American Cival War to unite private citizens in improving the economic and social position of the nation's farm population . Over the past 142 years, it has evloved to include non-farm rural familes and communities."

"The fellowship, recreations and social activities in the the grange are developed with the family in mind - children and senior citizens alike are very welcome in the Grange. Competions in music, art, public speaking, crafts and a whole variety of other activities are ian important part of every Grange's agenda"

"The Grange believes in leadership development and reaches out to all people in an effort to respond to real needs. It builds a better community by providing the services that people need to live better lives. In working together, the Grange is able to provide assistnace when the governmant can't and individuals alone aren't strong enough, By working together the Grange builds community and people."


Address & Contact

671 Cold Spring Rd
Non-Profit Organization

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