Williston Jr. Horsemans Association - (352) 949-7071

WjHA invites every discipline and level of riding. All that is required is that you bring your own horse an adult to accompany you!

I'm returning this season, after a small break, as your WjHA leader! For those of you who are new to WjHA I would like to introduce my self. I have always had a love for horses and can't even begin to try to remember the first time I started riding a horse! Throughout my time in the saddle I have been fortunate enough to have had the chance to ride under some outstanding horseman of my time. Between some fantastic local instructors to Gold and Bronze medalists for the USET team, but my most favorite instructor/trainer that I have had the honor to ride with is my Mother. I owe it all to her. She has turned out many shining athletes at all levels and disciplines.

My show ring days started with lead line and worked my way up to walk trot. That is when I started to ride the better horses lol. I had the honor to be atop of one of the best Hunter ponies around, "7-Up". From there I moved on to Skowerys Prince "Prince" and this is when I started to become a rider. Along the journey Prince and I went through as horse and rider, as a team. I became Equitation rider for New England 4 years in a row.
I also branched out and started to show in the breed ring at the age of 14. At this point I also started teaching riding lessons and training horses and the inevitable bratty ponies lol.

As I became older and entered my 20s. One of my star students ran for Miss New England Pinto Sweetheart and held that crown for a few years.

I had the opportunity to become the program director and head riding instructor for a very large 4H camp/equine camp in MA. There I had upwards of 68 campers/students a day to include the camp on location along with two other organizations that would transport inner city children in and one that would bring handicap children in of all levels. The healing power a horse has in any form is simply AMAZING!

I moved to FL from MA in 2003 where I became The first Miss Florida Pinto Queen and I held that crown for two years until I became too old to compete for the crown for a third time. As Miss FL Pinto Queen for our lovely "sunshine state", I dedicated my time to our youth. I truly feel the best place for a child to grow up is in a barn with their horse. Safest and healthiest place on Earth!

I then continued on in my horse journey to TX where I worked for Bill Peel and Terry Ownes, the owners of the one and only "Smartest Chic Olena" at BiTerra Quarter Horses where I had the pleasure to be around some fantastic reining horses and worked with yearlings and prepped them for the Futurity sale.

I'm now back in FL where I have returned to what had my heart and that's my camera and equine photography and teaching students. My "mane" "focus" is youth and their horses. I'm also on the Williston Horseman's Association Pleasure Show comity. WHA is here for the youth and I'm here to help in anything I can!

That is a bit on who I am and some of what I have accomplished in the horse world. And I'm looking forward to returning to WjHA as a leader from the past and helping and guiding our communities youth with their horses!


Address & Contact

(352) 949-7071

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