Willoughby Hills Fire Department - (440) 942-7207

Our members take pride in providing professional Fire & Emergency response as well as non-emergency services to the residents and visitors of Willoughby Hills.

Our Rules:

Comments on topics or issues not within the jurisdictional purview of the City of Willoughby Hills may be removed.

Employees representing the City government via City social media sites must conduct themselves at all times as a representative of the City and in accordance with all City policies.

This Social Media Policy may be revised at any time.

As a public entity the City must abide by certain standards to serve all its constituents in a civil and unbiased manner

The intended purpose behind establishing Willoughby Hills Fire Department social media sites is to disseminate information from the Department, about the Department, and for community events and public safety information.

Comments containing any of the following inappropriate forms of content shall not be permitted on Willoughby Hills Fire Department social media sites and are subject to removal and/or restriction by the Public Information Coordinator or his/her designees: .
a Comments not related to the original topic, including random or unintelligible comments;
.b Profane, obscene, violent, or pornographic content and/or language; .c Content that promotes, fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, or national origin;
.d Defamatory or personal attacks;
.e Threats to any person or organization;
.f Comments in support of, or in opposition to, any political campaigns or ballot measures;
.g Solicitation of commerce, including but not limited to advertising of any business or product for sale;
.h Conduct in violation of any federal, state or local law;
.i Encouragement of illegal activity;
.j Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems; or
.k Content that violates a legal ownership interest, such as a copyright, of any party.

A comment posted by a member of the public on any Willoughby Hills Fire Department social media site is the opinion of the commentator or poster only, and publication of a comment does not imply endorsement of, or agreement by, the Willoughby Hills Fire Department, nor do such comments necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Willoughby Hills Fire Department.
The Willoughby Hills Fire Department reserves the right to deny access to Willoughby Hills Fire Department social media sites for any individual, who violates the Willoughby Hills Fire Department’s Social Media Policy, at any time and without prior notice.

When a Willoughby Hills Fire Department employee responds to a comment, in his/her capacity as a Willoughby Hills Fire Department employee, the employee’s name and title should be made available, and the employee shall not share personal information about himself or herself, or other City employees.

All comments posted to Willoughby Hills Fire Department Facebook site are bound by Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, located at http://www.facebook.com/terms.php, and the Willoughby Hills Fire Department reserves the right to report any violation of Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities to Facebook with the intent of Facebook taking appropriate and reasonable responsive action.

Follow us on Twitter for updates and important information: http://www.twitter.com/WHFireRescue

Tags: Fire Station

Address & Contact

35455 Chardon Rd
Willoughby Hills
(440) 942-7207
Government Organization

Map & Directions

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