Winfield Chiropractic & Rehab - (620) 221-1990

We believe that everyone deserves to be healthy and express their full potential from the time they are born through their last breath of life!

At Winfield Chiropractic, we are a family-focused wellness practice. We feel that there is nothing more important than caring for you and our next generation. Dr.’s Doug and Brad Swanson have special training and have even designed a portion of their office to aid in the care of mothers, moms-to-be and children.

An accurate definition of health is central to understanding chiropractic wellness care. In our society today, health is often an improperly used term. Many people perceive health as “feeling good, without any pain or symptoms”; but it is much more than that.

Health is really about one thing – function. How well you are functioning determines how truly well you are. Health and wellness are about more than just ‘feeling good’; they are about functioning at your ultimate potential. When your body is functioning at 100%, you have the innate ability to adapt to anything that occurs in your environment and you can continually maintain optimal health.

We understand that you cannot focus on sickness and disease and expect health and wellness to prevail. Merely treating symptoms and refusing to look at the body as a whole, self-healing system is a harmful mistake that is all too common. In our office, we take a broader approach to you and your childrens health, and look at how you and your children are functioning rather than just asking how you are feeling.

At Winfield Chiropractic & Rehab we help to optimize and maintain you and your child’s health and wellness by working to remove the cause of the problem. This is done through two main areas. First, the Chiropractic Adjustment removes subluxations so your body can continue to function naturally. Secondly, we will help your family adopt a healthy lifestyle through our Wellness Workshops and patient education that will keep you and your family not only feeling well, but functioning well every day!

Tags: Chiropractor,Pediatrics

Address & Contact

1913 E 19th Ave
(620) 221-1990

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