Winterville Church of Christ - (252) 757-3788

The Winterville Church of Christ is a family of loving believers that is seeking to follow the ways of Jesus and to be the church that he created.

Greetings in the name of Jesus the Christ, the only Savior of the world. We are the Church of Christ that meets in Winterville, NC. Our aim is to celebrate the awesomeness of God in everything we do. As we gather as a church body, we commune in many aspects of worship such as:

Prayer: Where we have the wonderful opportunity to talk with God as a family of believers. We unite our voices in Praise: We sing without the assistance of mechanical instruments in our worship and every believer is a part of the singing and exaltation to God.

We partake of the Lord’s Supper on every first day of the week. This never becomes old or just a ritual of habit but we celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus every week because it is truly good news to us who eagerly look forward to His return. In our gatherings we give of ourselves and of our means because He has so richly blessed us. We use this collective opportunity to honor God, and serve & edify one another

We have been set free by the lamb of God, so we surrender to His teachings, the Bible is our only creed book, it is the inspirational word of God. We saturate our classes and sermon times with God’s word to equip us according to His will. Our desire is to tell the world about the good news of Jesus! We are the Church of Christ in Winterville NC!

The Winterville Church of Christ is a great place to worship God in the harmony and methods that God actually desires, according to his Holy Word. We are excited to have guests visit with us during all of our Bible studies, classes and worship services.

Tags: Church of Christ

Address & Contact

3170 Church Street Ext
(252) 757-3788
Church/Religious Organization

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