Worm Works California - (707) 497-8766

Nature being Nature at its Best.

Worm Works California is a Humboldt based company that has created sustainable, common-sense solutions to environmental and economic challenges facing Humboldt County.

The Problem: Our waters are being polluted by run-off from large quantities of
manure produced on dairies. At the same time, Humboldt dairies are closing at an alarming rate because they are unable to comply with strict regulations for nutrient management (processing of manure).

The Solution: Worm Works California sees a natural compatibility between the environment and our economy. Thus, we have created a partnership with local dairies that benefits our waters and our economy. Our process vermicomposts dairy manure with local green waste and food waste. The result is a high quality, affordable soil amendment.

Our process takes a pollutant that would otherwise run-off and toxify our waters and turns it into a product that will benefit the people and environment that is Humboldt County. Our process also helps dairies comply with nutrient management regulations, thus saving family farms and jobs.

The earthworm's digestive process captures nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and other nutrients contained in manure and food waste. Their castings, then, become a slow release soil amendment. The worms also secrete plant growth hormones into their castings that promote leaf growth. These castings, moreover, contain microbes necessary for healthy plant soil and encourage disease resistance.

In summary, Worm Works California has taken a problem and found a sustainable solution. Our process protects our water and invigorates our soil while it promotes jobs and creates tax revenue.

In addition to our high quality black castings, and as a result of our collaboration with Vermigrow, we are happy to bring Stabilized Vermicompost Tea to Humboldt County. This product is an aqueous extract made from worm castings and has been certified organic by OMRI and Organic Certifiers.

It increases population of soil microbes and overall root health, resulting in faster growth of cuttings and seedlings, as well as increased plant size and yeild. It also enhances disease suppression and aids in revitalizing stressed plants. Vermigrow Stabilized Tea has a shelf life of 12 months, can be diluted in a 5-1 ratio, used as a foliar spray and custom brewed to customer specifications.

Finally, these incredible products (castings and tea) positively impact water use Efficiency,Conservation and Quality. They do this by preventing run-off, binding nitrogen and allowing crops to be grown with less water.

We, at Worm Works California, envision a bright future for Humboldt County. We believe that our process and products will contribute to the overall health of our community and we invite you to join us in promoting our common-sense, sustainable approach to the environment and our local economy.

Worm Works California is proud to offer the following products:


Worm Castings

Stabilized Vermicompost Tea

Worms by the lb.

Please contact us if you would like more information on our products.

Sam Savage

Dave Varshock

Chris Jolin

Tags: Farm,Recycling & Waste Management

Address & Contact

1884 Centrale Ave
(707) 497-8766
Local Business

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