The Writing Center staff works with students in various aspects of writing, ranging from organization, development, and research methods to mechanical and proof-reading skills.
The Writing Center, part of the Center for Academic Excellence, offers free tutoring to all Concordia College students, whether they are Adult Education, English as a Second Language, or traditional students. The writing specialists and peer interns who staff The Writing Center help students excel at any written assignment in any discipline. Students may make appointments for half-hour or hour-long sessions at any point in the writing process--brainstorming, research, outlining, drafting, or revising. Sessions can include discussion or practice of skills ranging from grammar and mechanics to development, organization, and source integration and citation. The Writing Center does not proofread or edit for students; rather, tutoring is a conversation between two active participants, and students should come in prepared to work with a tutor. Students are also encouraged to bring a copy of the assignment to the session, along with any instructor or peer feedback that they have, and to arrive with a sense of what they would like to focus on in the session. The ultimate goal of the Writing Center is to empower students to become better writers, not just to submit one “better” paper, and to develop skills that they will draw on throughout college and beyond.