Wynne Stallings LMHC - (561) 463-3078

Mental Health Counseling and Consulting
Licensed Mental Health Counselor & Certified Addiction Professional

Making a difference, one life at a time.

If you have landed on this page then you probably have more questions than answers right now. Like, why hasn't the marriage worked out like you'd hoped. Or your kids. Your career. You might feel unfulfilled. Angry. Worried. In pain. You keep trying but nothing really has lasting results. A few people may have mentioned to you about seeing a therapist, but you're not sure. You've done well in some areas of your life, and you have the desire and potential for so much more. But maybe there really is something holding you back, something you can't fix on your own. Perhaps the following questions can help:

Do you...

Have a negative feeling (like anger, worry, or sadness) that is often a real killjoy?
Ruminate over and over again about people or things that don't ever seem to change?
Have a compulsive habit that bothers you and others, that you just can't seem to stop?
Keep finding yourself in unfulfilling relationships, and yet wonder how you got there?
Feel you have more potential in life but you just can't seem to make it happen?
Often put yourself last, then find yourself exhausted, unappreciated, and resentful?
Put a happy face on the outside, but inside you are covering up feelings of inadequacy or fear?
Believe your life would get better if only someone or something else would just change?
Can't help but wonder if things hadn't gotten so messed up earlier in your life, you would be a lot happier today...

Or, are you a teenager caught in the wreckage of your parents' broken relationship? Are you in recovery from addictions and need some help that only a therapist can provide to help you stay sober? Are you a family member of an addict who won't change, and you don't know how to cope? Are you an adult child of an addicted or dysfunctional family?

A "Yes!" answer to any of those questions is a good time to inquire about professional counseling. Email me to get your questions answered or to schedule an appointment.

I am a Florida licensed psychotherapist and a Certified Addictions Professional with over 17 years of professional counseling experience. I have seen and experienced what unhealthy relationships, poor conflict resolution, and compulsive behaviors can do to a teenager, an individual, a marriage, and child's future. Mygoal is to help you live a life that you truly love. While we can't change difficult situations of the past, we can work together to resolve lingering wounds and current challenges in your life. The counseling you receive today can give you hope for your future. We can draw from both action- and insight-oriented therapy approaches to set you on your way to experiencing a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

If you're looking for extra support and guidance through a challenging situation, or if you're just ready to move in a new direction in your life, I look forward to joining with you to achieve your goals.

Please call (561) 463-3078 or email me for an individual, couples or family therapy consultation today.

Tags: Counseling & Mental Health

Address & Contact

11911 US Highway 1 North, Suite 201-4
North Palm Beach
(561) 463-3078
Professional Services

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