We are here to provide 24/7 emergency medical care to the citizens of Wythe County.
Wythe County Rescue is dedicated to provide the best emergency medical care possible to the citizens of Wythe County and any other person who is in need of emergency medical care within our area of operation. If at any time you are experiencing a medical emergency please call 911 ! However any other questions or concerns that you have about the organization, we will be happy to answer. Please feel free to contact us during office hours (8-5, Mon-Fri) at 276-228-2671. If we are not available at that time please leave a name number and message and we will return your call as soon as possible.You also may contact us over facebook as well. We also are open to any suggestions that you may have to help the service we provide, be better to you and our community. We are always happy to help our community the best we can !!