The Official Affiliate of the Washington State Republican Party in Yakima County.
Yakima County Republican Central Committee
The Central Committee is the official affiliate of the Washington State Republican Party in Yakima County. The Central Committee has two principal objectives:
Ø Elect Republicans to public office
Ø Attract voters and workers to the Republican Party
The Central Committee consists of elected and appointed Republican Precinct Committee Officers (PCO) serving in the 145 voting precincts in Yakima County. The Precinct Committee Officer truly represents the grassroots of the Republican Party not only in Yakima County, but across the state and the nation. Precinct Committee Officers work within their precincts to identify Republican voters, rally those voters to vote in upcoming elections, and during even numbered election years serve as chair of their precinct caucus. The PCOs comprise the voting membership of the Central Committee.
Precinct Committee Officers can be elected during the election held every even numbered year, or they can be appointed by the Chairman of the Central Committee. Both elected and appointed PCOs serve in the same manner with the same rights and responsibilities.
At a Central Committee membership meeting held at the beginning of every odd numbered year the PCOs elect the Central Committee’s Executive Board. The Executive Board is responsible for carrying out the day to day operations and activities of the Central Committee by managing its programs, finances, and assets. The elected members of the Executive Board are; Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, State Committeeman, State Committeewoman, and the First, Second, and Third Commissioner District Directors. The Chairman, and the State Committeeman and State Committeewoman are members of the Washington State Republican Committee.
If you are interested in serving as a Precinct Committee Officer please contact the Central Committee. At any given time there are open precincts needing a PCO. PCOs must be a registered voter in, and live in the precinct in which they serve.
In addition, the success of the Republican Party is solely due to the hard work of the many volunteers who give of their time and talents to help elect Republicans to public office. Volunteers are always welcome and can help not only during campaigns but with the ongoing business of the Central Committee.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with any member of the Executive Board, or leave a message at the Central Committee office. Office hours are Monday thru Friday 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Max Golladay