Yakima Skyline Rim 50k and 25k

None of the Rainshadow races are easy, but this race in particular stands out. Summer starts early with Rainshadow: Why run anywhere else?

By April, you'll be sick of the clouds and rain, puddles and wet brush. You'll be sick of mud, of dark and dreary days. You'll need some sunlight. This race is one way to get that sunlight, to get out of mud and wet brush, to get up relatively high (3500 feet) and see for miles and miles. This race'll give you hope, hope that summer is coming, is well on its way.

Sure, the trail is steep and hard and relentless, with more elevation gain than any other comparable race in the Pacific Northwest, but its worth it, because you can see where you've been and where you're going. With each climb, you're rewarded with ever expanding views of the Columbia Highlands, the Yakima River Canyon, and the Cascade Mountains - including Mt Rainier, Mt Adams, and the Stuart Range. As you climb in and out of the Umtanum and Roza creek valleys, you'll see the ecosystem change before your eyes, and the ridge running here is liberating and invigorating.


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Wenas Wildlife Area
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