Yorkville Fire & Hose Co. Inc. - (315) 736-1523

The Yorkville Fire & Hose Co. Inc. is 100% Volunteer.

The Yorkville Fire & Hose Co. Inc. is 100% Volunteer.

This means that we depend on people just like you to help the community by giving their time to respond to calls for help and to train for those calls. The members of the Yorkville Fire & Hose Co. Inc. are your friends, neighbors and even co-workers. We are everyday people who live in this community and want to help when you need it most.

Please feel free to stop by the station on the first Monday of the month to inquire or call the station to make an appointment with a line officer to meet and discuss the volunteer opportunities the Yorkville Volunteer Fire Department has for you.

We are always in need of people just like you to give their time and effort to provide the many services that we offer to the community. The road is not always easy, but the reward of helping others is well worth the journey.

PAGE DISCLAIMER: This page is run by fans and members of the Yorkville Fire Department with the goal of keeping you informed of events related to the Yorkville Fire Department. We post photos, information, news stories and incident information. Not all incidents are published. This Facebook page is in no way affiliated with or run by the Village of Yorkville or the Village of Yorkville Board and any content is not representative of the Village of Yorkville or Board. This facebook page is for informational purposes only. Any negative comments, advertisements, or posts of any nature not deemed fit for this page WILL BE REMOVED WITHOUT WARNING at the sole discretion of page admins. Posts of a negative nature will also get the subject(person) banned from this page if admins so desire, again without warning. Thank You.

Tags: Fire Station,Fire Protection

Address & Contact

34 Sixth St
(315) 736-1523
Local Business

Map & Directions

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