Yukon Masonic Lodge #90 - (405) 354-2346

Yukon Masonic Lodge #90, chartered in 1895 in Yukon Oklahoma, is a group of men from the oldest and largest fraternal organization in the world.

What is a Mason? Simple answer: a man who belongs to the Fraternity of Freemasonry; the largest and oldest organization for men in the world, outside of religious organizations. But there is much more.

A Mason is a member of a Lodge, or local group of Freemasons, like ours in Yukon. To become a member, he has been through at least one of three stages of initiation. To be a full Master Mason, he must have been through all three.

The Degrees, or stages of membership are Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason. Each Degree is based on ancient traditions and ceremonies which have the purpose of transforming the person into a thinking, autonomous, adult male—in control of himself and aware of his abilities and limitations.

This growth and development is the primary purpose of Freemasonry. Charity is not a purpose. The many charities which care for children with disabilities; fund research into eye disease, diabetes, mental health, and Altzheimer’s disease; care for the elderly; support education and much more are an effect of that growth and development. Mutual benefit is not a purpose. It is an effect of men who share a common goal and understanding, and have agreed that a Brother is entitled to any help they can reasonably give.

To check out the rest of Dr. Tresner's article and to learn more about Oklahoma Masonry, go to


Meet first and third Tuesdays of each month, at 7:30.

Proud supporter of Yukon Rainbow Girls and Excalibur DeMolay.
Proud to be the meeting facilities of Yukon OES and Bethany Masonic Lodge

Tags: Sorority & Fraternity,Masonry

Address & Contact

1201 Main St
(405) 354-2346
Non-Profit Organization

Map & Directions

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