Zenion Industries, Inc. - (707) 584-3663

Zenion has invented, patented, licensed and manufactured many ecological products through its 36 years of operation.

Most recent Press Release:


Zenion technology will help fight world food shortages using Solar Power and Crowd Funding

Rohnert Park, CA – April 10, 2015. Zenion has launched a crowd-funding campaign on the web site indiegogo at: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ion-a-gro which offers people worldwide an opportunity to experience Zenion’s patent pending ionization technology. The company's new business model enables the benefits of increased crop production to be shared free, through donations of product, to third world farmers.

The Ion-A-Gro device is an Eco-friendly, solar powered electronic unit which is mounted above plants to supply them with an increased amount of ions during photosynthesis. Decades of research has proven that plants respond quite favorably to increased ionization in a natural, non-harmful way by growing healthier and producing more flora, fruit, and vegetables. Herbivores, such as ants and aphids are also discouraged from invading plants under treatment, thereby reducing the need for pesticides. Until now, it has not been practical to treat plants in this manner, but the Zenion technology changes all of that!

Successful experimentation has been done on numerous types of plants including grapes, tomatoes, beans, cannabis and sugar cane. From the backyard garden to large scale crop management, this technology has the potential to increase food production substantially. With a growing world population already at 7 billion, we need more “Green” answers like this to feed people and livestock.

Zenion was established in 1979 and distinguished itself as an expert in the field of ionization physics and electronics by developing and patenting many products utilizing ion technology.


Address & Contact

6640 Redwood Dr
Rohnert Park
(707) 584-3663

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